Energy crisis
Rising energy prices in Belgium are having a negative impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Nearly one in four SMEs (23%) is in debt as a result of rising energy costs. These costs are directly linked to rising energy prices and the need for businesses to adapt to new performance and safety standards. Faced with this energy crisis, SMEs are looking for solutions to reduce their energy costs.
To overcome this, companies can reduce their costs by using new technologies, finding a solution with a company mediator or applying for a compensatory bonus.
A solution to the energy crisis
Business mediation is an excellent way of tackling the energy crisis! With the support of a business mediator, you'll be able to find a solution that will allow you to pursue your activities with complete peace of mind. Business mediation is a conflict resolution process that enables the parties involved to find their own amicable solution. It is carried out under the guidance of a business mediator, who accompanies, guides and advises the parties involved in the conflict.
This method is highly effective in avoiding disputes and finding amicable and fair solutions to situations. It can often resolve conflicts that would not have been resolved using more traditional methods. With business mediation, you can find the solution that best suits your situation and your needs. It is an interesting, fast and cost-effective alternative for finding a solution with your energy supplier.
The business mediator can help you find a solution by analysing the terms of your contract and talking directly to your energy supplier to eliminate interest and fines and negotiate the amount of the penalty. He can also advise you on other options available to reduce your costs and help you find a solution that satisfies both parties.
Form: if you would like to apply for energy mediation, click here: https://becionline.typeform.com/to/ivZdokOD
Brussels-Capital compensatory premium
On Thursday 17 November, at the suggestion of Barbara Trachte, Secretary of State for Economic Transition, the Brussels Government approved at first reading a decree relating to the compensatory premium scheme as part of the energy crisis. The aim of this premium, with a total budget of €117 million, is to cover part of the additional energy costs, calculated between 2021 and 2022, for Brussels companies operating in energy-sensitive sectors.
Barbara Trachte, Secretary of State for Economic Transition: ‘This direct aid is designed to ease the cash flow of businesses most affected by the rise in energy prices. It is essential to enable them to continue their activities and thus safeguard jobs. This direct aid is complementary to other aid schemes that encourage businesses to accelerate their energy transition, such as the increase in Renolution premiums, the new Energy&Reno loan, the economic transition fund and the strengthening of the Energy Pack’.
The aid will cover 30% of the extra costs between all the bills for the 2022 energy bill and all the bills for the 2021 energy bill, for both electricity and gas.
The authorities will be able to take up to 6 different EAN meters into account when awarding the compensatory allowance (3 for electricity, 3 for gas). This criterion makes it possible to take into account companies with several business units.
In addition to the VAT NACE code, there are other eligibility criteria for access to the aid mechanism. The company must:
- have a minimum turnover of €50,000;
- have filed its accounts and balance sheet with the NBB for the year 2021;
- meet its VAT obligations;
- comply with environmental, social and fiscal obligations;
- undertake not to redistribute dividends in the year following the award of the bonus.
The amount of the grant is a minimum of €500 and cannot exceed the additional costs incurred by the beneficiary. The amount is also capped according to the energy sensitivity of the sectors in which the company operates. The bonus is capped at €50,000 for companies operating in energy-sensitive sectors and €100,000 for companies operating in very energy-sensitive sectors.
In addition, a similar bonus (30% of additional energy costs between 2021 and 2022 - gas and electricity) will be granted to energy-sensitive ESMIs via optional subsidies. The same scheme will also be put in place for business cooperatives (Jobyourself and Baticrea) as well as business centres and incubators.
This bonus will be made available to entrepreneurs following the opinion of the social partners (Brupartners), the Council of State and the Data Protection Authority (DPA). Notification to the European Commission for the temporary state aid framework will also be required. Applications are expected to be submitted in February.
You can submit your application between 13 March 2023 and 15 November 2023.
Please note that in order to apply for the premium, you must have the bill for the year 2021 and the bill for the entire year 2022 for gas and/or electricity for all your business units.
Submit your premium application:
energy premium
Want to find out more?
Come and take part in the information session, here's the programme:
* Introduction
* How to negotiate with your energy supplier
* 5 useful tips on business mediation
* Financial aid for business mediation
* Compensatory premium scheme
* Brieuc Petre: lawyer & accredited mediator
* Wassima HADI: JRP coordinator
Contact Wassima Hadi, our JRP/Mediation advisor
By videoconference by making an appointment here
Via our call-center at 02 533 40 90 or by mail